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Abril Lozada biography

hOI! I'm Abril (no duh) and this is my bio I guess. To start off with the obvious, I am a HUGE fan of the RPG video game undertale! (backround... logo.... logo at the bottom of the page....) but I also really enjoy to draw! To make a video games you also need to be atleast a decent...

Game Developer 

I wanna make my own video game :D

I am a huge fan of video games (if you can't tell by the logo it is a goat monster boy dabbing that is from a video game xDDDD) and I thought "hmm it would be AWESOME if I made my own video game!!" Then, this goal was born xD

Straight A+s

Get Straight A+s in school
For the second 9th week I got all B+s exect for P.E which I had an A+, but ive seen many students with straight A+s for both of the 9 weeks

100 Subs Challange

Get 100 Subs on youtube channel

Getting 100 subs in youtube is NOT easy, trust me. I have a youtube channel (which I will not say what the name is) and I really do want only 100 subs xD, but really in youtube 100 subs is nothing, just ask pewdiepie (the guy has 50,000,000 subs...) (BTW subs means subscribers xD)